Thursday, March 3, 2011

Blah, Blah, Blah

Ugh...tonight I was peer pressured into ordering a drink, appetizer, entree AND dessert.  I don't think I've eaten that much in one sitting ever.  The only thing I actually finished was my strawberry margarita...but still.  So full.

This week, I've spent a lot of time people watching and I'm excited to tell you about all of my victims but this is merely a "break the seal" post because whenever I miss a few days it seems to get harder and harder to write.

Here are some of the exciting things I've done in the last three days:
* I got my car inspected...found out I need new brakes.
* Listened to Matt Nathanson's new song "Faster" 19 times today (on repeat).
* Bought hot pink nail polish.
* Avoided filing my taxes.
* Made plans to go antiquing with my mom.
* Had an iced mocha latte.
* Read a book that blew my mind.
* Enjoyed lunch with T.
* Hard boiled 4 eggs.
* Went to the gym (only once).
* Had dinner and lots of laughs with K, K2 and the wrands (the cankles of the wrist.)
* Came up with an idea for a book.
* Annoyed people in public and point:


  1. The margarita food group is the most important food group.

  2. I agree. I also had a strawberry margarita last night... and I'm very sad to report that I think they forgot the tequila.... :(


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