Sunday, June 26, 2011

Cooking With Amy: The Most Delicious Cupcakes Ever Edition

Six on Sunday is hereby cancelled because I'm spending the day traveling to WEMA to play with paper.  Yesterday I saw Bad Teacher (funny) and made the most delicious cupcakes ever.  I pirated the recipe from How Sweet It Is back in May to make cupcakes for S's 29+1 birthday but had a mishap during the ingredient getting portion of the recipe.  But I regrouped and used my 1st Blog Birthday as an excuse to finally bake them.

Dear K,
Thank you for being my guinea pig and taking the first bite.  Don't be alarmed by my baking skills okay?

P.S. K said they were delicious.

It started innocently enough.  Doesn't it always?

I didn't have a whisk but I figured hey, a fork is almost the same thing.

I mixed in hot, melted butter followed by cold milk and heavy cream.  Well...the warm butter seized up forming a rice-soup/oatmeal looking mixture.  NBD.

I made a mess because the mixing bowl was a tad too small.  Oh and I forgot to make the fudge sauce.  I assumed it was just to decorate the cupcakes.  Oops!  Always read through the whole recipe before starting...lesson learned.

I contemplated stirring in some Hershey's syrup but instead I put the cupcake batter on hold while I whipped up some fudge sauce with my classy double boiler.


They look like cupcakes!  But I forgot to buy butter for the frosting so they cooled on the counter while I headed back to the store.

My peanut butter buttercream frosting looks delicious right?

It's pretty amazing what 2 tablespoons of milk will do to a lumpy dry mess.

It's robot arms were reaching out begging to be licked.

I punched a hole in the middle of each cupcake and filled it up with the frosting just in case the frosting on top wasn't enough for a sugar coma.

The cupcakes looked gorgeous but a bit naked.

So I gave them a shower of warm fudge sauce.

Verdict:  A lot more work than cupcakes from a box with frosting from a can but sooo yummy.  But...the cupcake (while moist and airy) is really just an edible plate for the peanut butter cream frosting. 

Seriously...the frosting is the most delicious thing I've ever tasted.  Ever.

Happy 1st Birthday Blog!  Happy Belated Birthday S!  Happy Weekend!



  1. Do you think you could make me these cupcakes in vanilla? I'm not a fan of chocolate, but I LOVE peanut butter... also, it is my sad, sad duty to inform you that this Michelle Bachmann announced that she will run for president.

  2. YOU DON'T LIKE CHOCOLATE? I don't know if we can be blog buddies anymore!

    And yes I know about M. Bachmann. I'm excited/horrified to watch the crazy.

  3. Amy... I really only enjoy chocolate when it is either in cookies and cream ice cream, or included in a reese's. =/ I still want to be friends though! Don't leave me! :(


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