Monday, November 11, 2013

No Better Time...

To talk about the Fourth of July then in November...right?

I was talking to the BFF yesterday about how I couldn't believe we were well into November when I feel like it was JUST summer vacation. Seriously, I don't know where the time went. It seems like we jumped from swimming and kayaking to peppermint lattes and ignoring Christmas carols by way of a few colored leaves.

Yesterday, we went to see About Time. I LOVED it. The movie is about an endearing British family where the men can travel back in time for do-overs. (Perhaps one of the reasons I loved it is that I've always wished for powers like that!) The main character falls in love with Rachel McAdams and they have cute babies. There is more to it but I wouldn't want to spoil anything. It was hilarious and sweet and heartbreaking and thought provoking.

The main take away from the movie is to enjoy the "normal" days in life because ultimately, those days are what make up most of your life. And I loved the idea that the key to happiness is just to change your perspective about difficult things and make the best out of every situation. The idea that the meaning of life is simply about spending time with people who love you seems so easy.

In stark contrast, I am currently reading Inferno by Dan Brown. I'm not thrilled with it, but as I'm 250 pages in, I feel like I must plow ahead. The premise of the book (as far as I can tell) is that an individual or organization is plotting to destroy half of the world's population in order to keep the human race from going extinct.

My mind is torn between wanting to find joy in ordinary things and trying to come to terms that the world is collapsing all around us. ← A bit dramatic maybe?

So back to the 4th of July...I did so many mundane yet fun things this summer and aside from photos published to Instagram or worse, pictures merely filling my phone's memory, I haven't really acknowledged or written about my adventures. Since the days are getting shorter and darker and colder, I thought it would be fun to relive my summer vacation.

Won't you join me?

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