Friday, November 12, 2010

There is Nothing in this Post Worth Reading...

This whole sun setting at 4:30 in the afternoon thing is nonsense.  I know that it is an annual event but it just gets me every time.  Sleeping until noon is no longer such a great plan when daylight becomes this scarce. 

Today was a blah kind of day.  There is no better way to explain it...didn't feel good...didn't feel bad...wasn't necessarily grouchy or sad....just blah.  And the only way out of a blah day is to distract oneself until it becomes tomorrow.  So in an attempt to distract myself, I went to a movie...on Friday 2pm...alone...which wasn't nearly as depressing as it sounds. 

Luckily, K called at just the right time for a Starbucks date and a grocery shopping escapade.  At the time it seemed hilarious that she was buying Fritos and Mexicorn to make tacos/taco salad.  But now it doesn't seem so funny...I guess the blah is creeping back in.  I left the store with cereal, tomato sauce, and frozen potato skins...obviously keeping my dinner options open.

Spent the rest of the day night reading blogs, watching The Office, trying to decide on a new block print design and eating strawberry fruit snacks like it was 1987. 

Here's hoping for a blah-free day tomorrow.

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