Sunday, February 20, 2011

Open Letters: Mother Nature

Dear Mother Nature,

Would you kindly pick a season already? You unfairly get everyone psyched about the coming of spring on Thursday with some unseasonable weather which I had good reason to ignore. But Friday…oh Friday…a day of sun and clouds, a day of melting snow. The temperature hit 63 and I was thisclose to putting on flip flops. I rocked a long sleeve t-shirt and felt wonderful that winter was finally over.

On Saturday, the sun was shining and I could only assume that the good weather was here to stay. I donned long sleeves and a vest for good measure only to find that your warmth had all but disappeared. And as I returned home from an evening of shopping, cheesecake, and strange Showtime movies the air was a frigid 16 degrees.

You are one cruel ecological Matriarch.


1 comment:

  1. Just checking if I can post as me, or fake me...


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