Wednesday, February 29, 2012

30 While 30: The New List

The time has come! I've stretched my birthday month as long as possible but it is time to officially retire my 30 Before 30 list. I didn't accomplish as many things as I anticipated but it was fun to try some new things and document them. I have created a new list of things that I want to work towards/do while I am the big 30. But I am going to do things a bit differently.  Watch this:

The video is interesting but if you can't part with 3 minutes of your life, here are the cliff notes:

Telling people your goals makes them LESS LIKELY to happen because the good feeling you get when others acknowledge your goals tricks you into thinking you've already accomplished your goal.

So what does this mean for your desire to see my list? means you will need to exercise a lot of patience. I will reveal the goal only when it is completed (or in progress for long term goals). <---I told you you would be disappointed.

For now, my new list looks like this:

30 While 30

1. ?????????????
2. ?????????????
3. ?????????????
4. ?????????????
5. ?????????????
6. ?????????????
7. ?????????????
8. ?????????????
9. ?????????????
10. ????????????
11. ????????????
12. ????????????
13. ????????????
14. ????????????
15. ????????????
16. ????????????
17. ????????????
18. ????????????
19. ????????????
20. ????????????
21. ????????????
22. ????????????
23. ????????????
24. ????????????
25. ????????????
26. ????????????
27. ????????????
28. ????????????
29. ????????????
30. ????????????

Very exciting isn't it?



  1. Cool! That clip really explains a lot, and I don't feel like so much of a loser for not accomplishing things now :-)

  2. Right? A new philosophy on goals...don't tell anyone and you'll perhaps work harder to complete them...and if one will ever know!

  3. love this video and am going to steal it for an upcoming blog


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