Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Today was a SERIOUSLY! type of day which was due in part, to a lack of sleep because of my midnight cricket capers and the fact that the world is a crazy place.  Last week, I struggled to replace two of the three bulbs in my kitchen light fixture and today I flip on the lights and the last one goes out.  Seriously?

T and I had a cooking adventure today which included a stop at the grocery store after a brown sugar mishap.  We parked near this car.  Seriously?  You don't even get your license plate blacked out because the whole world deserves to know how much you suck at parking. 

Any recipe that has less than five ingredients (this had four) was basically designed for me.  This was seriously delicious and I got to take home a goodie bag.

Saltine Toffee is going to happen in my kitchen...maybe not today...maybe not tomorrow...but it will happen.  And when it does I will be a bit lot safer than this:

1 comment:

  1. I resent that. And Jonathan did indeed yell at me when he saw this picture... just as I told you he would :)

    He loves me and cares for my safety... and also fears for my life. That's true love.


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